Why install a Remote Start in your vehicle?

Tis the season of cold weather, hot coffee, and travel. Winter is here and its cold temperatures have finally arrived in Nebraska. There is almost nothing that can make a Monday morning worse than sitting down on a leather seat in your ice cold car, truck, or SUV after possibly scraping snow and ice off of your frozen windshield in work clothes.

If this sounds familiar, then you might say that a typical Monday morning could look and sound like this. . .

Not long after you step out of your warm home in the morning on the way to work, the cold greets you abruptly. In fact, it smacks you in the face – hard. You quickly throw your briefcase or purse in the backseat and climb into the driver’s seat as fast as possible. No matter how quickly you scurry to your vehicle to crank the engine, you know that you have at least 5-10 minutes of bone chilling cold that you must grin and bare on your commute to work. But you keep telling yourself to be positive.

As you are clinging to your warm coffee mug and the steering wheel, you begin to feel the heat coming out of the vents in your vehicle. Ahh. Relief has arrived. But suddenly, you begin to feel warm very quickly. After you reach a certain level of discomfort, you sit your empty coffee mug in your cupholder and attempt to take your puffy coat and scarf off while driving safely. Going from one extreme temperature to the other is less than ideal in a twenty minute commute to work each morning.

Instead, imagine stepping out of your warm home and into a warm vehicle every morning this winter. Imagine no window scraping. No frozen door handles. No cold steering wheel. Imagine no “buffer” time between when you start driving to work and when heat comes out of your vents. Imagine a regulated temperature in your vehicle that your body quickly and easily adjusts to.

If you are tired of being straight up cold on your way to work this winter, you can make a change. You don’t have to buy a $40K vehicle to have a remote start installed. In fact, we have installed a remote start at GP Customs, in more older model cars, trucks, and SUVs than we can count! So stop settling for cold and stay warm this winter. At least Monday mornings might be a little better, right? If you’re interested in a remote start install in your vehicle, give us a call today! 402.421.0888


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